Cervizzi’s Martial Arts Academy® of Andover
Answer: At Cervizzi’s Martial Arts Academy of Andover®, our curriculum is a blend of traditional martial art styles, including Kempo Karate, Goju Ryu Karate, and Japanese Jujutsu. We also teach our students to live their lives in a secure, humble, and virtuous manner, utilizing many concepts from both traditional and modern martial art systems to fully develop the mind, body, and spirit.
Answer: We teach children starting as young as four years old, up to adults of any age. As with any kind of education, if a person starts martial arts when they are very young, they will typically have an advantage that will benefit them throughout their life. But martial arts does not discriminate. You are never too old to start reaping the rewards from martial arts training. In fact, when parents see the benefits their children gain, many of them become students themselves!
Answer: The martial arts are an extremely safe activity. Because of the way it is taught, our program completely eliminates situations that can cause injuries. In fact, many studies have shown that because of the emphasis on control, martial arts is one of the safest activities around. From the beginning to the end of the class, we keep a sharp eye on everything that goes on. Of course, like in any contact sport, occasional bumps and bruises are possible, but we work our hardest to make sure that they are very rare.
Answer: The answer is a definite "yes!" In fact, the martial arts are ideal for people who aren't naturally athletic. Why? Well, in organized sports like little league or soccer, much of the activity revolves around team performance and understanding the rules of the game. Naturally, some people catch on more quickly than others, leaving the less experienced sitting out. In our martial arts program, every student is given individual attention and has an opportunity to shine in a variety of areas. Each student can comfortably progress at his or her own pace without feeling left out. We have a saying in our school, "There are absolutely no bench warmers at Cervizzi’s!"
Answer: To put it simply, it is the most fun you can have in one hour, anywhere. If you watch one of our classes, you will see how our instructors are masters at blending education and entertainment. We call this Edu-tainment. We camouflage what would normally be seen as hard work (like exercise) into playful, game-like movements. And it doesn't matter if it’s a program for children or adults. All of our classes are a blast, and everyone has the time of their life. But more than that, martial arts are inspiring and life-changing, from the mental to the physical. What could be more fun?
Answer: It depends upon your age, belt rank, personal responsibilities, or other commitments. Usually, at the beginner stages, twice per week is more than enough; however, as you progress through the ranks, you should increase your training to three times per week. Some students practice more depending upon their goals. As a student gains more experience, it benefits them to train as frequently as possible.
As students progress towards higher ranks, we encourage them to make a more serious commitment to the goal of achieving their black belt, as well as their commitment to the school itself.
Answer: Absolutely! Everyone knows that bullying hurts. It causes psychological and emotional scars that can last a lifetime. Regardless of whether your child is the victim of bullying or is bullying others, low self-esteem is usually the cause, and it will eventually lead to poor school performance, depression, and labeling.
Cervizzi’s Martial Arts Academy® of Andover has the solution. Our program builds physical, mental, and emotional strength, while our students learn both self-respect and respect for others. Children who believe in themselves not only make poor targets for bullies, they learn to stand up and "find their voice." At the same time, children who were inclined towards bullying learn they don't need to intimidate others to feel self-worth.
Many parents worry that martial arts may make their child more aggressive, but in reality, it's the exact opposite. Martial arts teaches children self-control. Our students learn to stand up for themselves and their principles and to respond to bullying in the most effective manner, with physical force being the last resort. The advantage to the techniques we teach is that they are only applied in response to physical aggression, ensuring that they are never used for the wrong reason. Most importantly, our students learn they can walk away from trouble with courage and authority.
Answer: Confidence is sometimes inherent, which means you are born with it. However, not many are so fortunate. For most people, confidence is developed through a series of successes. However, we teach from an Eastern philosophy, which believes that in order to succeed, you must at times fail. We do not discourage or shame people into thinking failure is a bad thing. In fact, we teach failure is part of success! The more people try, the better they become. Instilling lifelong confidence in a person is not an easy task, but we have done it time and time again. We have a long list of students who’ve developed confidence, self-esteem, and many more traits that have helped them to become tremendously successful.
Answer: The answer for this one is a resounding yes! We have a good blend of girls and boys in our martial arts classes! Some people think that boys are more coordinated and capable. We throw all those stereotypes out the window. Our girls are capable, strong, fierce warriors. Our girls train just as hard as the boys, pushing themselves to reach their full potential. They excel in techniques, discipline, and determination, proving that gender does not determine skill in martial arts. We are proud to see our female students breaking barriers and shattering expectations in the school.